Music Production/Technical Services:

Composition/Beat making:

This is the area of Music Production that TUNDRA excels at, whether you need a beat to cut a verse to or a full production for a Smash hit Pop record TUNDRA has you covered.

With experience in producing almost EVERY STYLE OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC, there is no project that couldn’t benefit from this service.

Signature Production/Composition Values of TUNDRA consist of:

  • MASSIVE BEATS and ear shattering percussion.

  • THUNDERING Low end

  • UP FRONT and “in your face” Vocals

  • OUT OF THIS WORLD Sound Design (All custom TUNDRA Patches/Synthesis)

  • DEEP pads and atmospheric ambience

  • ULTRA MODERN production techniques (segways and spin up/downs to make your transitions pop)

  • CURRENT and Futuristic values that will ensure your music dosnt’t sound dated even in years to come.


An Audio Engineer (also sometimes Recording Engineer) helps to produce a recording or a live performance, this can include:

  • Setting up of Microphones and Recording Chains

  • Achieving the desired sound for the source using knowledge of Pre amps, EQ’s and Compressors.

  • Balancing and adjusting sound sources using equalization and audio effects.

  • Applying Plug-ins or Hardware to achieve specialised Effects during tracking (Ad Lib Effects and/or Vocal Throws/Delays).

Examples of Engineering can be found on the DISCOGRAPHY page.


The term “Producer” has become very blurred these days with the boom in home recording and “Beatmaking” with typically described Composers using the term “Producer” on their projects. If the Composer was only responsible for creating the beat or instrumental for the project then that does not constitute the use of “Producer”. A producer typically is there from the Conception or pre production stage all the way through to the mastering stage, helping out with things like:

  • Co-Writing

  • Vocal Arrangement/Production

  • Performance Coaching (Vocal Delivery, Instrument Technique.)

  • Melody and Top Line Composition

  • Instrumentation/Sound Design

  • Drum Programming/Production of live players

  • Overseeing of the Project as a whole

TUNDRA Music Production will be as involved as you need for the project, even if you haven’t even written the song yet!


Mastering is the final stage for a song or record before it is released to the general public, this is a very technical stage but does still require creative input. TUNDRA specialises in using advanced Mid/Side Techniques to achieve desirable equalisation and compression across the frequency spectrum and the stereo image, this enables the achievement of the “Wall Of Sound” master (If the mix allows for it) and true Depth, Punch and Clarity. Mastering should allow your mixes to have:

  • Industry Standard Loudness levels (CD and Streaming Standards)

  • Translation on ALL playback mediums (Earbuds to Car stereos to Hi-Fi systems)

  • True Depth front to back and side to side

  • Punch that knocks kicks and snares through your chest

  • Low end that thunders through your body without killing the mix

  • Clarity on the top end that opens out the mix giving that “Air” quality

Not all mastering engineers use M/S Processing but it has become somewhat a “Signature Sound” for TUNDRA that artists and consumers love.

Technical Services:

This can range from Drum Editing/Timing to Vocal Tuning/Timing and everything in between, this is usually the part of the production process that separates Professionals and great producers. This really can transform a great set of songs into a great Record. TUNDRA Technical Services will Provide WORLD CLASS editing and tuning services leaving no stone unturned in terms of detail and quality. Most of the projects listed on the DISCOGRAPHY page have benefitted from using this service.